Brand Extensions of Experiential Goods: Movie Sequel Evaluations

By afit on 7:35 PM

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Brand Extensions of Experiential Goods: Movie Sequel Evaluations


We examine movie sequels as brand extensions of experiential goods. Study 1 reveals a reversal of the traditional categorization model such that dissimilar extensions are rated higher than similar extensions. This reversal is moderated by the name of the sequel; numbered sequels (Daredevil 2) are influenced by similarity more than named sequels (Daredevil: Taking It to the Streets). Study 2 reveals that the reversal arises because numbered sequels invoke a greater degree of assimilation with the parent movie, thereby increasing consumers’ level of satiation of experiential attributes. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) provides external validity for our results (study 3).

*Sanjay Sood is assistant professor of marketing, UCLA Anderson School of Management, 110 Westwood Plaza, Suite B414, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1481 ( Xavier Dreze is assistant professor of Marketing, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6340 ( Correspondence: Sanjay Sood. The authors acknowledge the helpful input of the editor,associate editor, and reviewers. In addition, the authors thank the Entertainment and Media Management Institute of UCLA for helping fund the research.

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