Leading to Grow and Growing to Lead: Some Lessons from Positive Organizational Scholarship

By afit on 8:11 PM

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Leading to Grow and Growing to Lead: Some Lessons from Positive Organizational Scholarship The purpose of this paper is to use the lens of Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) to offer new insights to how to grow leaders. We reframe the “Assess/Challenge/Support” model of leadership development created by the Center for Creative Leadership through a POS perspective. In leadership development, the CCL model is typically implemented by (1) focusing on performance gaps, (2) closing the gaps by introducing discomforting challenges, and (3) having the organization provide formal support (e.g., through mentoring). A POS perspective, drawn from recent research on thriving (or growing) at work, takes a complementary but unique approach by (1) leveraging strengths instead of gaps, (2) providing challenges through positive jolts rather than hardships, and (3) co-creating support through the development of microcommunities. We suggest that this complementary approach can create healthy and sustainable growth because it creates high energy and learning. We close the paper by recognizing some of the complications in taking a POS approach to growing leaders.

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Interrater Reliability in Job Analysis: Differences in Strategy and Perspective

By afit on 8:08 PM

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JCV Predicting DOT Worker-Trait Requirements from CMQ Job Analysis Ratings

By afit on 8:05 PM

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Many public and private-sector organizations continue to rely on the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) as an important source of occupational information; however, the DOT is no longer being revised, leaving these DOT users to rely on an increasingly outdated source of occupational information. We used job-component validity (JCV) to predict the worker-trait ratings contained in the DOT from job dimension scores collected using the Common-Metric Questionnaire (CMQ).Results indicated that the DOT worker-trait requirement ratings were generally quite predictable via JCV, giving practitioners a new tool that can help them cope with the loss of the DOT.

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Intrinsic Need Satisfaction

By afit on 8:02 PM

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this is research in two organization, download it

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Interpersonal Relationships and Task Performance: An Examination of Mediating Processes in Friendship and Acquaintance Groups

By afit on 7:50 PM

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This study used multiple methods to examine group processes (information sharing, morale building,planning, critical evaluation, commitment, monitoring, and cooperation) that mediate the effect of relationship level on group performance. The study uses a 2 by 2 experimental design, crossing relationship (friendship vs. acquaintance) as a between-subjects variable and task type (decision making vs. motor) as a within-subject variable. Fifty-three 3-person groups participated in the study, and data from 4 types of measurement were used to analyze the mediating processes between relationship level and task performance. Friendship groups performed significantly better than acquaintance groups on both decision-making and motor tasks because of a greater degree of group commitment and cooperation. Critical evaluation and task monitoring also significantly increased decision-making performance, whereas positive communication mediated the relationship between friendship and motor task performance.

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Cutting it: Learning and Work Performance in Hairdressing Salons

By afit on 7:46 PM

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This paper has been developed from research conducted to date within the ‘Learning as Work’ project, a four year ESRC funded multi-sector study in the UK (2003 – 2008). It presents some initial findings of qualitative case study research concerning workplace learning in the UK hairdressing sector. Drawing upon interviews and observations carried out across four franchised hair salons, the paper addresses the various ways in which formal and non-formal processes of learning are organised and ‘done’ across the salons and foregrounds the relationship between learning at work, the organisation of work, and individual/organisational performance. These relationships are addressed through the presentation of empirical data concerning franchising, customer service, the learning of apprentice stylists the learning of older and more experienced stylists and interactive ‘conversion’ processes of client retention and customer spending.

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Determinants of Emotion Work

By afit on 7:42 PM

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Research Note

In Field Study Part 1 and Field Study Part 2, teachers and travel agents data were surveyed by students as part of their thesis. The reported experiments were accomplished by students within three practical courses for course credits, supervised by the author of this dissertation. Results of Experiments and Field Study Part 1 and 2 were presented at several conferences.

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Ergonomic Management Software and Work Performance: An Evaluative Study

By afit on 7:35 PM

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This study tested the effects of using ergonomic work pacing software (EMS - Ergonomic Management System) on typing (accuracy and amount of keying), and mouse work (frequency and duration of mouse use). The performance of fifty-six highly skilled computer software programmers, technical development staff and executives at Lockheed Martin were passively monitored using the EMS system for four weeks, to establish a baseline. The EMS system then was fully activated for all personnel, and work performance monitored for an additional four-weeks period. Complete keying error data were recorded for oneweek during the baseline and test periods respectively. Full activation allowed the EMS software to coach users to take periodic microbreaks throughout the day depending on their work rate (if workers are pacing themselves appropriately then the EMS will not need to provide rest-break alerts).

There was a statistically significant 59% improvement in work accuracy following implementation of the EMS system. There was no difference in total keystrokes or in mouse use between the baseline and test conditions. Results confirm previous research that showed that alerting users to take more short rest and break periods did not impair their overall keystroke and mouse use, but did improve their work accuracy. Economic analysis shows that in this situation the performance benefits alone that accrued from using ergonomic work pacing software show a return on investment of less than one-week. It is concluded that appropriate work pacing plays an important role in facilitating office work performance.

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Delegated Job Design

By afit on 7:26 PM

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Why do firms delegate job design decisions to workers, and what are the implications of such delegation? We develop a private-information based theory of delegation, where delegation enables high-ability workers to signal their ability by choosing difficult tasks. Such signaling provides a more efficient allocation of talent inside the firm, but at the cost that low ability workers must be compensated to be willing to self-sort. Career concerns put a limit to the efficiency of delegation: when market observability of job content is high, the compensation needed to get low ability workers to self-sort is high, and firms limit delegation to avoid creamskimming of the high-ability workers. We investigate implications of the theory for how misallocation of talent within firms may occur and to the design optimal incentive contracts.
Keywords: Career concerns, Delegation, Discretion, Peter Principle, Sun Hydraulics.

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A National Job Analysis of the Critical Care Nurse Specializing in Cardiac Medicine

By afit on 7:03 PM

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Executive Summary

The purpose of this study was to identify the responsibilities of critical care nurse
professionals specializing in cardiac medicine as a first step in the development of a job-related certification examination. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses-Certification Corporation (AACN-CC) requested the services of Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc. (AMP) to design and conduct a study which would provide the support necessary to develop specifications upon which a content valid certification examination could be built. AACN-CC identified the need to ensure that the examination specifications would be representative of critical care nurse
professionals who specialize in cardiac medicine.

AACN-CC appointed a Practice Analysis Committee (PAC) to conduct the activities necessary to identify cardiology nurse practitioners' responsibilities and develop examination specifications. The diversity of this group was reflective of the cardiac medicine specialty and all PAC members had demonstrated expertise in this area of critical care nursing.

The study involved development of a practice analysis survey, distribution of that survey to practitioners via the web, and an analysis of the responses. Test specifications for the nurse specializing in cardiac medicine were developed on the basis of these data.

The PAC met during February 2004 to initiate the following six tasks:
1. Developing a sampling plan
2. Identifying tasks for the survey instrument
3. Identifying classifications of core tasks
4. Determining the rating scales
5. Determining the relevant demographic variables of interest
6. Integrating demographics, rating scales, and tasks into a survey instrument

A total of 1,642 surveys were e-mailed to professionals in cardiology nursing. After reducing the sample size for undeliverable e-mail addresses (n=160), it was determined that twenty-two percent of the sample responded with surveys that were suitable for analysis (n=330). The responses to the demographic questions indicated that there were sufficient numbers of respondents in relevant groups for subsequent analysis. Approximately 99 percent of the respondents felt that the practice analysis survey at least adequately addressed the responsibilities of the cardiac medicine nursing profession. In addition, respondents used all rating scales with an acceptable level of reliability.

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Career Concerns, Monetary Incentives and Job Design

By afit on 6:54 PM

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We study optimal incentive contracts when commitments are limited, and agents have multiple tasks and career concerns. The agent career concerns are determined by the outside market. We show that the principal might want to give strongest explicit incentives for agents far from retirement to account for the fact that career concerns might induce behavior in conflict with the principal’s preferences. Furthermore, we show that maximized welfare might be decreasing in the strength of the career concerns, that optimal incentives can be positively correlated with various measures of uncertainty, and that career incentives have strong implications for optimal job design.

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Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation

By afit on 6:51 PM

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The authors summarize 35 years of empirical research on goal-setting theory. They describe the core findings of the theory, the mechanisms by which goals operate, moderators of goal effects, the relation of goals and satisfaction,and the role of goals as mediators of incentives. The external validity and practical significance of goal-setting theory are explained, and new directions in goal-setting research are discussed. The relationships of goal setting to other theories are described as are the theory’s limitations.

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An exploratory study of goal setting in theory and practice: A motivational technique that works?

By afit on 6:40 PM

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Although goal setting is a common organizational practice, studies concerning goal setting have almost exclusively been carried out in experimental settings. It may therefore be erroneous to assume that the relationships found to exist in controlled settings will hold true within organizations. Goal difficulty and participation in the goal setting process were examined as they related to goal performance. Participants were 132 scientists and professional staff, and 27 of their supervisors. The positive linear relationship between goal difficulty and performance typically found in controlled settings was not replicated. Consistent with some previous studies, a modest but significant relationship between participation and performance was found. The results of this research have implications for practitioners, researchers conducting goal setting studies within applied settings, and for goal setting theory in general.

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A Framework of Potential Sources of Inaccuracy in Job Analysis

By afit on 6:34 PM

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Many assume job analysis information is accurate, yet there is reason to believe that the types of subjective judgments involved in job analysis may be affected by systematic sources of inaccuracy. This chapter begins by discussing some prototypical situations which can occur in job analysis and reduce the accuracy of job analysis information. To understand how these inaccuracies can arise, we then review a framework of inaccuracy forwarded by Morgeson and Campion (1997) which includes 16 separate sources of inaccuracy in job analysis.

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Notes From Underground

By afit on 2:37 AM

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I am a sick man. ... I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my liver is diseased. However, I know nothing at all about my disease, and do not know for certain what ails me. I don’t consult a doctor for it, and never have, though I have a respect for medicine and doctors. Besides, I am extremely superstitious, sufficiently so to respect medicine, anyway (I am well-educated enough not to be superstitious, but I am superstitious). No, I refuse to consult a doctor from spite. That you probably will not understand. Well, I understand it, though. Of course, I can’t explain who it is precisely that I am mortifying in this case by my spite: I am perfectly well aware that I cannot ‘pay out’ the doctors by not consulting them; I know better than anyone that by all this I am only injuring myself and no one else. But still, if I don’t consult a doctor it is from spite. My liver is bad, well—let it get worse!.....get this free ebook with click link below

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The Odyssey

By afit on 2:33 AM

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Tell me, O Muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy. Many cities did he visit, and many were the nations with whose manners and customs he was acquainted; moreover he suffered much by sea while trying to save his own life and bring his men safely home; but do what he might he could not save his men, for they perished through their own sheer folly in eating the cattle of the Sun-god Hyperion; so the god prevented them from ever reaching home. Tell me, too, about all these things, oh daughter of Jove, from whatsoever source you may know them.....

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The Phantom of The Opera

By afit on 2:28 AM

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documents precisely; and a wonderful discovery crowned my labors in a very definite fashion. It will be remembered that, later, when digging in the substructure of the Opera, before burying the phonographic records of the artist's voice, the workmen laid bare a corpse. Well, I was at once able to prove that this corpse was that of the Opera ghost. I made the acting-manager put this proof to the test with his own hand; and it is now a matter of supreme indifference to me if the papers pretend that the body was that of a victim of the Commune.

The wretches who were massacred, under the Commune, in the cellars of the Opera, were not buried on this side; I will tell where their skeletons can be found in a spot not very far from that immense crypt which was stocked during the siege with all sorts of provisions. I came upon this track just when I was looking for the remains of the Opera ghost, which I should never have discovered but for the unheard-of chance described above.

But we will return to the corpse and what ought to be done with it. For the present, I must conclude this very necessary introduction by thanking M. Mifroid (who was the commissary of police called in for the first investigations after the disappearance of Christine Daae), M. Remy, the late secretary, M. Mercier, the late acting-manager, M. Gabriel, the late chorus-master, and more particularly Mme. la Baronne de Castelot-Barbezac, who was once the "little Meg" of the story (and who is not ashamed of it), the most charming star of our admirable corps de ballet, the eldest daughter of the worthy Mme. Giry, now deceased, who had charge of the ghost's private box. All these were of the greatest assistance to me; and, thanks to them,I shall be able to reproduce those hours of sheer love and terror, in their smallest details, before the reader's eyes.............

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The Lost World

By afit on 1:54 AM

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Great story from best novel. The Last World, famous story and was cinema. If you want get this ebook for free, click this ink below

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The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll T

By afit on 1:31 AM

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MR. UTTERSON the lawyer was a man of a rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary, and yet somehow lovable. At friendly meetings, and when the wine was to his taste, something eminently human beaconed from his eye; something indeed which never found its way into his talk, but which spoke not only in these silent symbols of the after-dinner face, but more often and loudly in the acts of his life. He was austere with himself; drank gin when he was alone, to mortify a taste for vintages; and though he enjoyed the theatre, had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years. But he had an approved tolerance for others; sometimes wondering, almost with envy, at the high pressure of spirits involved in their misdeeds; and in any extremity inclined to help rather than to reprove..........

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Around The World in 80 Days

By afit on 8:59 PM

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Wow, this is a dramatic story. A Man who around the world just in 80 days. Read this story for free. Just click link below

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Alice The Advetures of Wonderland

By afit on 8:54 PM

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This is a famous story. Alice's adventure to Wonderland with "bunny" doll. even, this novel was goes to cinema. But if you want to read again this wonderfull story, get this ebook for free. Just click link below.

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Moby Dick

By afit on 8:49 PM

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Do you know The Legend of Moby Dick? if you don't know that legends, you can read this ebook for free. Click here to get this ebook from planetPDF

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Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows

By afit on 8:44 PM

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The Arabian Night

By afit on 8:38 PM

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Now "The Arabian Nights," some of which, but not nearly all, are given in this volume, are only fairy tales of the East. The people of Asia, Arabia, and Persia told them in their own way, not for children, but for grown−up people. There were no novels then, nor any printed books, of course; but there were people whose profession it was to amuse men and women by telling tales. They dressed the fairy stories up, and made the characters good Mahommedans, living in Bagdad or India. The events were often supposed to happen in the reign of the great Caliph, or ruler of the Faithful, Haroun al Raschid, who lived in Bagdad in 786−808 A.D. The vizir who accompanies the Caliph was also a real person of the great family of the Barmecides. He was put to death by the Caliph in a very cruel way, nobody ever knew why. The stories must have been told in their present shape a good long while after the Caliph died, when nobody knew very exactly what had really happened. At last some storyteller thought of writing down the tales, and fixing them into a kind of framework, as if they had all been narrated to a cruel Sultan by his wife. Probably the tales were written down about the time when Edward I. was fighting Robert Bruce. But changes were made in them at different times, and a great deal that is very dull and stupid was put in, and plenty of verses. Neither the verses nor the dull pieces are given in this book.

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Taste Perception: More than Meets the Tongue

By afit on 2:49 AM

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Perceptual discrimination is fundamental to rational choice in many product categories yet rarely examined in consumer research. The present research investigates discrimination as it pertains to consumers’ ability to identify differences—or the lack thereof—among gustatory stimuli. Three experiments reveal systematic bias resulting from the presence of common visual and verbal product cues. Particularly noteworthy is the finding that the amount of bias induced by a subtle, nonevaluative cue can far exceed the bias induced by overt and well-established evaluative cues. In addition, the effects these cues have on perceptual discrimination diverge from the effects they have on preference.

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Superfluous Choices and the Persistence of Preference

By afit on 2:45 AM

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Superfluous choices are unnecessary choice steps that could be removed without affecting the final choice context and outcome. They are introduced in this article in order to study the mere effects of consumer participation. Superfluous choices have no immediate impact on the chosen option but strongly increase consumers’ propensity to persist with the same option on future choice occasions. Four experiments that isolate and investigate this indirect effect and its moderators highlight the impact of consumer participation that derives from a perception of greater deliberation and fluency in decision making.

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Sponsorship-Linked Marketing: The Role of Articulation in Memory

By afit on 2:33 AM

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Corporate sponsorship of events contributes significantly to marketing aims, including brand awareness as measured by recall and recognition of sponsor-event pairings. Unfortunately, resultant advantages accrue disproportionately to brands having a natural or congruent fit with the available sponsorship properties. In three cued-recall experiments, the effect of articulation of sponsorship fit on memory for sponsor-event pairings is examined. While congruent sponsors have a natural memory advantage, results demonstrate that memory improvements via articulation are possible for incongruent sponsor-event pairings. These improvements are, however, affected by the presence of competitor brands and the way in which memory is accessed.

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Spent Resources: Self-Regulatory Resource Availability Affects Impulse Buying

By afit on 2:28 AM

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This research investigated impulse buying as resulting from the depletion of a common—but limited—resource that governs self-control. In three investigations, participants’ self-regulatory resources were depleted or not; later, impulsive spending responses were measured. Participants whose resources were depleted, relative to participants whose resources were not depleted, felt stronger urges to buy, were willing to spend more, and actually did spend more money in unanticipated buying situations. Participants having depleted resources reported being influenced equally by affective and cognitive factors and purchased products that were high on each factor at equal rates. Hence, self-regulatory resource availability predicts whether people can resist impulse buying temptations.

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Retrieval Disruption in Collaborative Groups due to Brand Cues

By afit on 2:24 AM

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This research examines the effect of brand cues on retrieval of target brands by individuals in collaborative (vs. noncollaborative) settings. We examine two theories, salience of the brand cue and retrieval-strategy disruption, as potential explanations. Two experiments show that brand cues lead to greater inhibition of target brands in a collaborative versus a noncollaborative setting. The theoretical is the exposition of a double-cueing effect of brand cues such that both (a) cue salience and (b) cue-induced retrieval-strategy disruption are greater for individuals in a collaborative setting. The discussion highlights additional theoretical implications of this research.

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Now or Never: Effects of Limited Purchase Opportunities on Patterns of Regret over Time

By afit on 2:21 AM

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Prior research has demonstrated that actions are regretted more than inactions in the short term. We show that, in limited purchase opportunities—situations where the purchase decision cannot be reversed—not purchasing (inaction) is seen as a loss and is associated with greater short-term regret than purchasing, reversing the omission bias. With respect to long-term regret, we use coping and availability mechanisms to suggest that, contrary to prior findings, inaction (nonpurchase) regrets decrease over time. We also argue that action (purchase) regrets should increase over time, but only when long-term utility is low. We support our predictions with a field study and two laboratory experiments.

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Not as Happy as I Thought I’d Be? Affective Misforecasting and Product Evaluations

By afit on 2:15 AM

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We introduce the concept of affective misforecasting (AMF) and study its impact on product evaluations. Study 1 examines whether and when AMF affects evaluations, finding that AMF has an impact on evaluations when the affective experience is worse (but not when better) than forecasted. Study 2 tests a process model designed to understand how and why AMF influences evaluations. The extent of elaboration is shown to underlie the observed effects. The studies demonstrate the robustness of the findings by controlling for alternative factors, specifically experienced affect, expectancy disconfirmation, and actual performance, which might have an impact on these judgments.

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The Influence of Experience and Sequence of Conflicting Emotions on Ad Attitudes

By afit on 2:12 AM

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Two experiments suggest that when participants evaluate an ad, they prefer improving ad emotions, because attitudes are based on an assessment of whether the emotions deviate positively or negatively from previous levels of emotions. In contrast, when emotions are experienced, positive emotions facilitate coping with later negativity, and an ad with declining (vs. improving) emotions results in more favorable attitudes. This beneficial effect of experienced positive emotions in reducing the impact of subsequent negative emotions is reversed when the positive emotions are allowed to dissipate over a time delay between the experiences of the two emotions.

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The Importance and Functional Significance of Affective Cues in Consumer Choice

By afit on 2:05 AM

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Existing evidence for affect’s influence on information processing and choice under high elaboration is mixed. In addition, affective choice is often viewed as erroneous in that it is assumed to lead to regret. We show that affect has a reliable impact on choice under high elaboration, which occurs through a combination of heuristic and systematic processing. Furthermore, consumers were able to correct for the impact irrelevant affect had on systematic processing but not for its impact on less conscious heuristic processing. Finally, affective purchases led to greater long-term satisfaction for important purchases, suggesting that affective choice can be functional.

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How to obtain consumer requirements for the initial conceptualization of new products: Towards a context-aware consumer latent needs methodology

By afit on 1:59 AM

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Still a lot of products are advertised and sold on the basis of their feature list. Marketing teams go out and ask consumers what new feature they require, and then return to the company to implore the technologist to provide them in the next release of the product. In the case of manifest and latent consumer needs and some conceptual ideas about new products this is feasible, however, if it comes to latent needs and non-existing products then traditional marketing methodologies do not suffice. How do we specify consumer requirements for products or features that do not even exist? This paper specifies a research methodology for next generation product developments on the basis of context-aware latent consumer needs.

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Few Ways to Love, but Many Ways to Hate: Attribute Ambiguity and the Positivity Effect in Agent Evaluation

By afit on 1:56 AM

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Recent research has identified a positivity effect in consumers’ evaluations of agents, such as friends and professional critics, who provide word-of-mouth evaluations and recommendations. Specifically, agreement with an agent on previously loved alternatives is perceived as more diagnostic of the agent’s suitability than agreement on previously hated alternatives. This article argues that the positivity effect arises from greater ambiguity about attribute ratings of hated versus loved alternatives. Three studies support this by showing that the effect is moderated by the number of attributes, the number of alternatives, and the revelation of an agent’s attribute ratings, and is mediated by attribute ambiguity.

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Feeling and Thinking in Memory-Based versus Stimulus-Based Choices

By afit on 1:53 AM

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We contrast memory-based and stimulus-based choices, using dual-process theories such as Kahneman and Frederick’s system 1/system 2 dichotomy. Systems 1 and 2 are conceptualized as distinct modes of thought, the former automatic and affective, the latter controlled and deliberate. Cognitive load impedes system 2, yielding greater reliance on system 1. In memory-based choice, consumers must maintain relevant options in working memory. Thus, memory-based choices are associated with greater cognitive load than stimulus-based choices. Indeed, we find that memory-based choices favor mmediately compelling, affect-rich system 1 options, whereas stimulus-based choices favor affect-poor options whose attractiveness emerges from deliberative system 2 thought.

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Dynamic Pricing and Consumer Fairness Perceptions

By afit on 1:49 AM

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Dynamic pricing practices by sellers in response to segment and individual-level differences have been made more feasible as internet buyer behavior increases. While benefits from these pricing practices can accrue to sellers and buyers, the potential for (un)fairness perceptions to mitigate these advantages is important. In an effort to investigate these issues, this article reports the results of three studies that examine the effects of seller-, consumer-, time-, and auction-based price differences on perceived price fairness and purchase satisfaction. The findings underscore the potential negative effects associated with price differences from dynamic pricing practices.

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Consumer Response to Innovative Products

By afit on 1:42 AM

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This thesis aims at gaining a deeper understanding of how consumers perceive
product newness and how perceived newness affects the market success of new
product introductions. It builds on theories in psychology that identified “collative”
variables closely associated with newness perceptions on the part of the consumer.
Also, it explores the effect of newness on market success after one year and the
pattern of market success during that time period.
It is hypothesized that perceived newness is a two-dimensional (rather than unitary)
construct and that its two dimensions, (1) mere perception of newness and (2)
perceived complexity, have different effects on product liking and market success
over time. Consistent with our hypotheses, product liking linearly decreases with
perceived complexity and cross section analysis reveals the same relationship with
market success after one year. The hypothesized inverted-U shaped relationship does
not hold in the case of product liking as it linearly increases with perceived
incongruity (i.e. mere newness perception). In contrast, and consistent with our
hypothesis, cross section analysis reveals an inverted-U relationship between
perceived incongruity and market success after one year. Over time, the key findings
from this work emphasize that high perceived product complexity is a disadvantage to
new product success in the short run. However, market success of complex products
increases over time once initial rejection is overcome (i.e. learning to like). In
addition, the mere perception of newness does not appear to have a significant effect
on the shape of the diffusion curve. Finally, for a given product, qualitative
comparisons between countries suggest that incongruity and complexity may
differentially participate to overall newness and therefore affect liking.
Overall, the thesis reveals the importance of considering product newness as a two-
dimensional construct since each of these dimensions brings in key information to
explain consumers’ response to innovative products.

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